Sunday, May 4, 2008

An invitation

The facts from Philanthropy News Digest:
U.S. schools were being eroded by a "rising tide of mediocrity," noting systemic problems in academic standards and expectations, the time allocated for learning, and the quality of teachers.

from the Birmingham News:
Birmingham City Schools' state funding could decrease by at least $10.8 million next fiscal year, based on state projections school officials presented tonight.

Arthur Watts, the school system's chief financial officer, said the reduction includes a loss of 87 teaching units funded by the state. Units are the state money provided for teacher, principal, assistant principal, counselor and librarian positions.

A solution?

From Medical News Today:
"Increasing music experience appears to benefit all children -- whether musically exceptional or not -- in a wide range of learning activities," says Nina Kraus, director of Northwestern's Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory and senior author of the study.

I have long believed this to be true. Now I see the benefits every day and it goes far beyond improved academics. I invite you to come see it--feel it--for yourself. It's changing the lives of our students, of our teachers. Let it change your life, too! I am completely serious. Email me.

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