Saturday, September 15, 2007

Think Pink

Students in Novia Scotia wore pink to stand up to bullies in their school:
"Two students at Central Kings Rural High School fought back against bullying recently, unleashing a sea of pink after a new student was harassed and threatened when he showed up wearing a pink shirt.

The Grade 9 student arrived for the first day of school last Wednesday and was set upon by a group of six to 10 older students who mocked him, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up...

...They used the Internet to encourage people to wear pink and bought 75 pink tank tops for male students to wear. They handed out the shirts in the lobby before class last Friday — even the bullied student had one...

..."The bullies got angry," said Travis. "One guy was throwing chairs (in the cafeteria). We’re glad we got the response we wanted."...

...The two friends said they didn’t take the action looking for publicity, but rather to show leadership in combating what they say is frequent bullying in schools."

Taking a stand with flair and creativity. Good job.

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